Costco apparel USA

27652 - Costco apparel USA
27652 - Costco apparel USA
27652 - Costco apparel USA

Costco apparel USA

Item number: 27652

Costco apparel for men & women
See sample inventory list attached for typical brands
It is only for an example. Typical name brands may include, as shown, Lucky Brand, Calvin Klein, Reebok, Levi's, Adidas, Jockey, Puma, etc.
About 60% are name brands and about 40% are Costco private brands of great quality. Lots of summer items with a few long sleeve styles.
Minimum order quantity = 2 500 = 5.90$ each
For 5 000 assorted pieces = 5.30$ each
For 15 000 assorted pieces = 4.60$ each

Additional information:

Packinglist here.ods Packinglist here

Price: 4.60 €

If you are interested in buying this stock offer or you have any questions feel free to contact us.